Friday, 3 May 2013
MOLOCH - Depressive Visionen eines sterbenden Horizonts
Track taken from "Isolation der Essenz" full-length album 2010
CD available at:
TAPE available at:
Double 12'LP available at:
"I don't want to feel this eternal pain anymore,
My thoughts like the blades run into the flesh,
leaving hundreds of cuts...
My life like a wounded bird is slowly falling down,
Where the dead trees are all around... Dead cold ground...
My tears are mixed with the blood of the wounded body...
The cries die out like an echo in the grey mountains...
The last rays of sun are fading in the coldness of apathy...
Only in its own thoughts the mankind sees the hope for life.
Melting like an ice... Life...
Death... will bring the silence.
Absurdity of existence - as the part of life...
Empty people are surrounding me,
each one is hauling his own yoke.
I see only faceless bodies...captured by self-denial.
I feel the selfness of Skuld... captured by estrangement.
Noose on the neck will become the last border... "
Also See:
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