Friday, 3 May 2013
MOLOCH - Ein dusterer Winter kommt Il
Moloch (ukr) - Ein dusterer Winter kommt ll
Taken from the album: Illusionen Eines Verlorenen Lebens
Released by Glorious North Productions
"Night dies out with the waves of moonlight...
Black shadows of the trees interlace in the pattern...
The fog leaves its essence over the bog,
where the rain washes the ground with the cold dampness.
The trees blindly watch upwards,
as if they have to see the dance of stars.
The dim light fades with pain in the branches of the mighty forest...
Leaving behind the icy sky,
the wind avidly swallows the rain,
that, somewhere on the forgotten paths,
takes the rotten leaves from the ground,
opening its incurable wounds... "
Also See:
"The well of the region is no longer a dark depth, in which we stare, but a living stream, that fertilely flows through the lands of t...